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About the Specific Aspect of Georgian Repulsiveness

27 ნოემბერი 2015

Translated by Nene Giorgadze:

What happened is beyond any limits whatsoever! It is as symbolic for every talented individual who can think outside the box, so it can become a start point of the spiritual orientation!
Campus – an art institution organized by students and youth – had one important goal: to bring in and manufacture ideas of western visual culture and actual yet radical theories in modern western philosophy. This would help our society to build up an important fundament of openness and multiculturalism.

The young people found a nice place for that reason and paid for rent out of their pockets. For four months, they worked hard: courses have been offered in art theory, painting, photography, and architect by the leading local professionals. On the Campus territory, the European and Georgian artists gave performances, there have been reviews about films students watched, discussions of ideas of western philosophy schools, and more importantly, lectures on those topics and themes that are not brought inn the social stream of consciousness.  

And here, the problems began: the lectures in philosophy were extremely popular, and sometimes, 100-150 listeners gathered. For that reason, Campus used microphones, so that voice can be heard in the street outside the building. Campus like other western institution of this type, opened its doors to the neighboring population for the mission of bringing culture into community. This apparently was something called “not knowing the background”, and soon it had an unforeseeable consequence that unveiled a deeply stagnant spirit of our society. There is no way to call it a “clinical matter” – but quite opposite – it is very symptomatic!

The famous quotes of Nietzsche, Foucault and other western philosophers, like "God is dead", heard on the street, were named “satanism” by brainwashed, so called “orthodox fundamentalists”. They started first, to interrupt and then to brawl the lectures. On one of this type of occasion, the founder of Campus, Michael Khundadze insisted and asked the young visitors to leave the public space. They left but soon came back along with bullies. One bully with a knife screamed and asked who Michael was, and when seeing him, pulled the knife into Michael’s chest. He appeared to be a religious extremist. 

What happened was feasible knowing the context and influence that orthodox fundamentalists have on society – first, the practice of “preach” throws a chair, and then, the chair is replaced by a knife. Michael was bleeding to death, and if not a quick thinking in an emergency of English Photographer Angas Brown, he would die immediately! Michael’s lungs were damaged and after tough surgery, he spend for days in an emergency room.

The injured young man, his shocked parents, friends and relatives, many once again disappointed young people pessimistic about values of society – this is the result of idolatrous worship called “orthodox-Christian belief”. It is a vivid symptom of a serous illness of the society. Campus is temporarily closed now. I can imagine that those who worked on Campus lost their initiative of bringing a better community. The ordinary people’s unconsciousness appears to be so dirty and influenced by pseudo-Christian propaganda and left alone morally and intellectually to the church-agitators holding a chair in one hand and a knife in another not willing to come out of medieval dreams and cave of superstitions. Where is media looking at? Where are the journalists with sharp pens? Does any topic today deserve more attention and serious analysis? Or, like our hypocritical government, the media fears the authority of church! The government is trying to bribe this banal 90 per cent of voters! What can be the outcome?

P.S. Today, it is our responsibility to help Campus so it will continue its important roll to benefit our children and mostly grandchildren and give a shape of our dough Georgian mentality. If anybody would like to offer a new location for Campus, the email is: [email protected]



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